Sunday, August 27, 2006

Eggdisk Offering Free 6GB Storage

Eggdisk may not be a service that you have heard about before but they are offering quite an amazing deal. If you sign-up for a free account before September 1st you will receive 6GB of storage and a 150MB filesize limitinstead of the normal 2GB of storage and 100MB filesize limit. You’ll also receive 30GB bandwidth to transfer your files.

You can upload images without even creating an account but once you register you’ll also be able to upload files with the following extensions:

jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, txt, mp3, wav, mov, wma, wmv, rar, zip, tar.gz, swf, xml, xspf, flv, m3u, asf, 7z, rm, esp, avim, flac, ogg, bsp, res, mdl, spr, wad, tga, doc, ppt, wrl, mp4, aac

Downside: There is no support for uploading either a EXE file or a PDF file which are commonly uploaded by majority of us.

UPDATED: Eggdisk is now offering 6GB STORAGE INSTEAD OF 4 GB.


  1. The EggDisk offer has been raised to 6GB file storage for free for life if you register before September 1st, FYI --

  2. Thanks a lot Chris for letting me know this!

  3. Some more info...

    If you write a review about EggDisk on your blog, MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, Blogger,, or message board; or if you put EggDisk into your permanent Blogroll (link list), then I will add a +1 Gigabyte of of free file storage to your already generous free 6GB account. Just send me an email to me with a link to your review and your account name and you will get an extra gigabyte of storage for a grand total of 7GB of file hosting!
